Legal notice, general conditions of use, privacy policy and cookies

Updated: 2014-06-22 19:11:34 +0200

This legal notice and information (hereinafter, the legal notice) regulates the use of the web site and the application with the Internet domain (hereinafter, the web site and the application) operated by Miguel Menéndez (hereinafter, the author), provided with tax identification number ES71643588Z, with address for notification purposes at AP 43, 33080 Uviéu. You can obtain more information through the Contact service ( ).

The website and the application include contents of the author under the free license GNU Affero General Public License ( ) and, where appropriate, from third parties under their respective licenses.

The relationships established between the author and the users as a result of the use of the services provided through will be governed by the provisions of the Asturian regulations in force in relation to the applicable legislation and the competent jurisdiction. However, for cases in which current regulations provide that the parties may submit to a determined jurisdiction, the author and users, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the city of Uvieu.

2. General conditions of use

The use of the website or the application attributes the condition of user (hereinafter, the user) and implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions included in these general conditions of use (hereinafter, general conditions) in the version published by the author at the time you access the website or application. Consequently, you must carefully read these general conditions each time you intend to use the website or application, as it may be subject to change.

The use of certain services offered through the website and the application is subject to its own particular conditions (hereinafter, the particular conditions) which, depending on the case, replace, complete and/or modify these general conditions. Therefore, before using said services, you must also carefully read the corresponding particular conditions.

Likewise, the use of the website and the application is also subject to all notices, regulations of use and instructions, brought to your attention by the author that replace, complete and/or modify these general conditions.

Through the website and the application, the author provides you with access to and use of various services and content (hereinafter, the services) made available by the author or by third parties.

2.1. Free nature of the access and use of the website and the application

The provision of services by the author is free of charge. However, some of the services provided by the author or by third parties through the website and/or the application are subject to compliance with certain requirements in the manner determined in the corresponding particular conditions.

2.2. Record

In general, the provision of services does not require your prior subscription or registration. However, the author conditions the use of some of the services to the prior completion of the corresponding user registration. Likewise, the author offers you some services whose use requires the completion of additional records. The aforementioned registration will be made in the manner expressly indicated in the service itself or in the particular conditions that regulate it.

23. Veracity of the information

All information you provide through the Services must be truthful. For these purposes, you guarantee the authenticity of all the data that you communicate as a result of completing the necessary forms for subscribing to the services. In the same way, it will be your responsibility to keep all the information provided to the author permanently updated so that it responds, at all times, to your real situation. In any case, you will be solely responsible for the false or inaccurate statements that you make and for the damages that you cause to the author or to third parties due to the information that you provide.

2.4. Minors

To use the services, minors must previously obtain permission from their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be held responsible for all acts performed by minors under their care.

Full responsibility for determining the specific content and services accessed by minors corresponds to the adults in charge of them. As the Internet makes it possible to access content that may not be appropriate for minors, you are informed that there are mechanisms, particularly filtering and blocking computer programs, that allow you to limit the content available and, although they are not infallible, they are particularly useful. to control and restrict the materials that minors can access.

2.5. Obligation to make correct use of the website, application and services

As a user you agree to use the website, the application and the services in accordance with the law, these general conditions, the particular conditions of certain services and other notices, regulations of use and instructions brought to your attention.

For this purpose, you will refrain from using any of the services for illegal purposes or effects, prohibited in these general conditions, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any way may damage, disable, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of the services, computer equipment or documents, files and all kinds of content stored on any computer equipment (kracking) of the author, other users or any Internet user (hardware and software).

In particular, and merely indicative and not exhaustive, you agree not to transmit, disseminate or make available to third parties information, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software and In general, any kind of material that:

  • In any way it is contrary, disparages or violates the fundamental rights and public liberties recognized constitutionally, in international treaties and in the rest of the legislation.
  • Induce, incite or promote criminal, denigrating, defamatory, infamous, violent or, in general, contrary to the law.
  • Induce, incite or promote discriminatory actions, attitudes or thoughts based on sexual orientation, gender, origin or age.
  • Include, make available or allow access to criminal, violent, offensive, harmful, degrading or, in general, contrary to law products, elements, messages and/or services.
  • Induce or could induce an unacceptable state of anxiety or fear.
  • Induce or incite to engage in practices that are dangerous, risky or harmful to health and psychological balance.
  • Is false, ambiguous, inaccurate, exaggerated or extemporaneous, in such a way that it misleads or may mislead about its object or about the intentions or purposes of the communicator.
  • It is protected by any intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to third parties, without having previously obtained from their owners the necessary authorization to carry out the use that you make or intend to make.
  • Violates the business secrets of third parties.
  • Is contrary to the right to honor, personal and family privacy or the image of people.
  • In any way undermines the credit of the author or third parties.
  • Infringes the regulations on the secrecy of communications.
  • Constitutes, where appropriate, illegal, misleading or unfair advertising and, in general, constitutes unfair competition.
  • Incorporates viruses or other physical or electronic elements that may damage or prevent the normal functioning of the network, system or computer equipment (hardware and software) of the author or third parties or that may damage electronic documents and files stored on said equipment IT
  • Causes due to its characteristics (such as format, extension, etc.) difficulties in the normal operation of the service.
  • Contains HTML tags or codes other than those expressly authorized by the author.

2.6. Obligation to make correct use of the contents

In accordance with the provisions of clause 2.5, you agree to use the content made available to you on the website and/or the application, understanding by these, without this list being limited, the texts, photographs, graphics, images , icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or sound content, as well as its graphic design and source codes (hereinafter, the contents), in accordance with the law, these general conditions, the particular conditions of certain services and others notices, regulations of use and instructions brought to your attention and, in particular, you agree to refrain from:

  • Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or in any other way publicly communicate, transform or modify the contents, unless you have the authorization of the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted.
  • Deleting, manipulating or in any way altering the copyleft or copyright and other identifying data of the copyright reserve of the author or its owners, fingerprints or any other technical means established for recognition.

You must refrain from obtaining and even trying to obtain the contents using means or procedures other than those that, depending on the case, have been made available to you for this purpose or have been indicated for this purpose on the web pages where the contents are located. contents or, in general, of those that are habitually used on the Internet for this purpose, provided that they do not entail a risk of damage or disablement of the website, the application, the Services and/or the contents.

2.7. Use of the services offered on the website and the application in accordance with the author’s anti-spam policy

As a user you agree to refrain from:

  • Collect data for advertising purposes and to send advertising of any kind and communications for sales purposes or others of a commercial nature without your prior request or consent.
  • Send any other unsolicited or previously consented messages to a plurality of people.
  • Send unsolicited or previously consented chains of electronic messages.
  • Use distribution lists that can be accessed through the services to carry out the activities indicated in the previous sections;
  • Make available to third parties, for any purpose, data collected from distribution lists.

The persons or third parties harmed by the receipt of unsolicited messages addressed to a plurality of people may notify the author by sending a message through the Contact service ( ).

All those people who intend to establish a link between their web page and the website and/or the application (hereinafter, the link) must meet the following conditions:

  • A frame will not be created on the pages of the website and/or the application.
  • No false, inaccurate or incorrect statements or indications will be made about the author, his social, family and/or work environment, the pages of the website, the application and the services provided.
  • It will not be declared or implied that the author has authorized the link or that he has supervised or assumed in any way the services offered or made available to the web page where the link is established.
  • The web page in which the link is established will not contain illegal information or content, nor will it contain content contrary to any third-party rights.

The establishment of the link does not imply in any case the existence of relations between the author and the owner of the web page in which it is established, nor the acceptance and approval by the author of its contents or services.

2.10. No license

All trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs of any kind that appear on the website and the application are the property of the author or third parties, without it being understood that the use or access to the website, the application and the services is attributed to you, as a user, any right over the aforementioned trademarks, trade names and/or distinctive signs.

Likewise, the contents are the intellectual property of the author or of third parties, and none of the exploitation rights that exist or may exist on said contents beyond what is established in these general conditions can be understood as assigned to you. strictly necessary for the correct use of the website, the application and the services.

2.11. Exclusion of guarantees and responsibilities

2.11.1. Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility for the operation of the website, the application and the services
Availability and continuity, utility and fallibility

The author does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the website, the application and the services. When it is reasonably possible, the author will warn in advance of the interruptions in the operation of the website, the application and the services. The author also does not guarantee the usefulness of the website, the application and the services for the performance of any specific activity, nor their infallibility and, in particular, although not exclusively, that you can effectively use the website, the application and the services. services, access the different pages that make up the website and the application or those from which the services are provided.

The author excludes, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the lack of availability or continuity of the operation of the website, the application and the services, to the fraud of the utility that you could have attributed to the website, the application and the services, to the fallibility of the portal and the services, and in particular, although not exclusively, to failures in accessing the different pages of the site website and/or the application or those from which the services are provided.

Privacy and security in the use of the website, the application and the services

The author does not guarantee the privacy and security of the use of the website, the application and the services and, in particular, does not guarantee that unauthorized third parties may not have knowledge of the type, conditions, characteristics and circumstances of the use that you make of the site. web, application and services.

The author excludes, to the fullest extent permitted by the legal system, any liability for damages of any nature that may be due to the knowledge that unauthorized third parties may have of the class, characteristics and circumstances of the use you make of the website, the application and services.

2.11.2. Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility for the contents

The author does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in the contents that may cause alterations in computer systems (software and hardware) or in electronic documents and files stored in computer systems.

The author excludes, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the presence of viruses or other elements in the contents that may cause alterations in your computer system, electronic documents and /o files.

Legality, reliability and usefulness

The author does not guarantee the legality, reliability and usefulness of the contents.

The author excludes, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any liability for damages of any nature that may be due to the transmission, dissemination, storage, provision, reception, obtaining or access to the contents, and in particular, although not exclusively, for damages that may be due to:

  • Failure to comply with the law as a consequence of the transmission, dissemination, storage, provision, reception, obtaining or access to the contents.
  • Violation of intellectual and industrial property rights, business secrets, contractual commitments of any kind, rights to honor, personal and family privacy and the image of people, property rights and any other nature belonging to a third party as a consequence of the transmission, dissemination, storage, provision, reception, obtaining or access to the contents.
  • The performance of acts of unfair competition and illegal advertising as a consequence of the transmission, dissemination, storage, making available, receiving, obtaining or accessing the contents.
  • The lack of veracity, accuracy, completeness, relevance and/or timeliness of the contents.
  • The inadequacy for any kind of purpose and the disappointment of the expectations generated by the contents.
  • Non-compliance, delay in compliance, defective compliance or termination for any reason of the obligations contracted by third parties and contracts made with third parties through or due to access to the contents.
  • The vices and defects of all kinds of content transmitted, disseminated, stored, made available, received, obtained or accessed through the portal or services.
Veracity, accuracy, completeness and timeliness

The author does not guarantee the veracity, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the contents.

The author excludes, to the fullest extent permitted by the legal system, any liability for damages of any nature that may be due to the lack of veracity, accuracy, completeness and/or timeliness of the contents.

2.11.3. Exclusion of guarantees and liability for services provided by third parties through the website or application

The author does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in the services provided by third parties through the website and/or the application that may cause alterations in the computer systems (software and hardware) or in the electronic documents and files stored in them. information systems.

The author excludes any responsibility for damages of any nature that may be due to the presence of viruses or other harmful elements in the services provided by third parties through the website and/or the application that may cause alterations in your computer system, electronic documents and/or files.

Legality, reliability and usefulness

The author does not guarantee the legality, reliability and usefulness of the services provided by third parties through the website and/or the application.

The author excludes any responsibility for damages of any nature that may be due to the services provided by third parties through the website and/or the application, and in particular, although not exclusively, for damages that may due to:

  • Failure to comply with the law as a consequence of the provision of services by third parties through the website and/or the application.
  • Violation of intellectual and industrial property rights, business secrets, contractual commitments of any kind, rights to honor, personal and family privacy and the image of people, property rights and any other nature belonging to a third party as a result of the provision of services by third parties through the website and/or the application.
  • The performance of acts of unfair competition and illegal advertising as a result of the provision of services by third parties through the website and/or the application.
  • The lack of veracity, accuracy, completeness, relevance and/or timeliness of the content transmitted, disseminated, stored, received, obtained, made available or accessible through the services provided by third parties through the website and/or the application.
  • The inadequacy for any kind of purpose of and the defrauding of the expectations generated by the services provided by third parties through the website and/or the application.
  • Non-compliance, delay in compliance, defective compliance or termination for any reason of the obligations contracted by third parties and contracts made with third parties in relation to the provision of services through the website and/or the application.
  • The vices and defects of all kinds of services provided by third parties through the website and/or the application.
2.11.4. Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility for the information, contents and services and hosted outside the website and/or the application

The website and the application put at your disposal technical link devices (such as, among others, links, banners, buttons), directories and search tools that allow you to access websites belonging to and/or managed by third parties (hereinafter , linked sites). The sole purpose of installing these links, directories and search tools on the website and the application is to make it easier for you to find and access the information, content and services available on the Internet.

The results of search tools are provided directly by third parties and are the result of the automatic operation of technical mechanisms, so the author cannot and does not control those results and, in particular, that Internet sites appear among them whose contents may be illicit In the event that a user considers that any of the sites included in the search results contains illegal activity or information and is interested in requesting the deletion of the link, they can start the procedure provided in these general conditions.

The author does not offer or market the information, content and services available on the linked sites, by itself or through third parties, nor does it previously control, approve, recommend, monitor or make it its own. Therefore, you must exercise extreme caution in the assessment and use of the information, content and services existing on the linked sites.

The author does not guarantee or assume any type of responsibility for damages of any kind that may be due to:

  • The operation, availability, accessibility or continuity of the linked sites.
  • The maintenance of the information, contents and services, existing in the linked sites.
  • The provision or transmission of information, content and services existing on the linked sites.
  • The quality, legality, reliability and usefulness of the information, content and services existing on the linked sites, under the same terms and with the same scope provided in these same general conditions regarding the content and services provided by third parties through the website and app.
2.11.5. Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility for the use of the website, the application, the services and the contents by the users

The author does not control the use you make of the website, the application, the services and the contents. In particular, the author does not guarantee that you use the website, the application, the services and the contents in accordance with these general conditions and, where appropriate, with the particular conditions that result from application, nor that you do so diligently. and prudent. The author does not verify your identity, nor the veracity, validity, exhaustiveness and/or authenticity of the data that you provide about yourself to other users.

The author excludes any responsibility for damages of any nature that may be due to the use of the services and contents by you or that may be due to the lack of veracity, validity, exhaustiveness and/or authenticity of the information that you provide to other users about yourself and, in particular, although not exclusively, for damages of any kind that may be due to the impersonation of a third party by a user in any kind of communication made through the website or app.

2.12. Procedure in case of illegal activities

In the event that you consider that there are facts or circumstances that reveal the illegal nature of the use of any content and/or the performance of any activity on the pages included or accessible through the website and/or the application, you must send a notification to the author containing the following points:

  • Personal data of the claimant: Name, address, telephone number and email address.
  • Specification of the alleged illegal activity carried out on the website and/or the application and, in particular, in the case of an alleged violation of rights, precise and specific indication of the protected content as well as its location on the pages Web.
  • Facts or circumstances that reveal the illegal nature of said activity.
  • In the event of violation of rights, a handwritten, digital or equivalent signature, with the personal data of the owner of the rights allegedly infringed or of the person authorized to act on behalf of the latter.
  • Express, clear declaration and under the responsibility of the claimant that the information provided in the notification is accurate and of the illegal nature of the use of the contents or the performance of the activities described.

2.13. Notifications

All notifications and communications (hereinafter, notifications) by you to the author will be considered effective, for all purposes, when they are addressed through the Contact service ( ).

All notifications by the author will be considered effective, for all purposes, when they are made in any of the following ways:

  • Sending by postal mail to your address when you have previously informed the author.
  • Sending by email to any of the mailboxes that you have arranged as part of any other service that the author provides you.
  • Communication by means of a call to your telephone number when you have previously informed the author.
  • Through pop-up messages displayed during the provision of services by the author.

In this sense, all notifications made by the author will be considered validly made if they have been made using the data and through the aforementioned means. For these purposes, as a user you declare that all the information provided by you is true and correct, and you agree to notify the author of all changes related to the notification data.

2.14. Withdrawal and suspension of services

The author may withdraw or suspend at any time and without prior notice the provision of services to those users who fail to comply with the provisions of these general conditions.

2.15. Duration and termination

The provision of the service of the website, the application and other services has, in principle, an indefinite duration. The author, however, may terminate or suspend the provision of the website service, the application and/or any of the services at any time, without prejudice to what may have been provided in this regard in the corresponding particular conditions. When it is reasonably possible, the author will previously warn the termination or suspension of the provision of the service of the website, the application or other services.

3. Privacy Policy

This privacy policy provides information on the use of personal data by the person responsible for the processing of personal data and on the rights that assist you under the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD).

3.1. Identification and contact details of the data controller

The personal data you provide through the website or application are the responsibility of the person (hereinafter, the author) duly identified in the legal notice ( ).

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the author is independently responsible for the processing of personal data included in the news for informational and journalistic purposes.

3.2. General information: Description of the information contained in the privacy policy

In this privacy policy you are informed about:

  • The purposes of the processing of your personal data, that is, the reason for which the person in charge treats your personal data.
  • The legal bases that allow, legitimize and justify the processing of data by the person responsible for each of the indicated purposes.
  • The possible communication of your data to third parties, as well as the cause of said communication. For these purposes, we inform you that we do not transfer your personal data to third parties except when there is a legal obligation (tax agencies, court orders, Police and Civil Guard, etc.) or we expressly indicate so in section 5. On the other hand, they may to have access to your personal data those in charge of the treatment at the request of the person in charge, that is, the service providers that for the development of their functions have to access your personal data. These service providers, in general, are dedicated to the technology and service sectors (analytics, geolocation, payment, logistics, postal, messaging, etc.). We inform you that you can request more details regarding the recipients of your data by sending a message through the Contact service ( ) indicating the specific treatment about whose recipients you want information.
  • The existence, where appropriate, of potential international data transfers outside the European Economic Area (EEA).
  • The period of conservation of the data that you provide us. For these purposes, we inform you that we will keep your personal data for the period necessary to carry out the processing of the data or until you exercise your rights to terminate the processing. Likewise, we inform you that, once this period has expired, your data will remain blocked for the attention of judicial, administrative or fiscal claims, for the periods legally determined by the regulations that are applicable in each case.

3.3. Necessary and updated information

All the fields that appear marked with an asterisk (*) in the forms that are provided to you will be mandatory, in such a way that the omission of any of them could lead to the impossibility of providing you with the requested services. You must provide true information, and the use of aliases or means to hide your identity is prohibited, with the exception of cases in which the same form expressly requests the creation of a username, nick or alias.

You will not be able, when creating usernames or passwords, or providing any information that may be requested in the different existing forms, choose expressions or graphic-denominational sets that are offensive, insulting, coincide with brands, trade names, company labels, etc. establishments, company names, advertising expressions, names or pseudonyms of publicly relevant or famous people whose use you are not authorized and, in general, contrary to the law and generally accepted good customs.

It is essential that you safeguard at all times the reference numbers, passwords and access codes that you create or are provided to you. You will be solely responsible for the use, authorized or not, of your personal account, and in this sense you agree to make diligent use of said information, not to make it available to third parties, and to report its loss or theft.

So that the information provided is always updated and does not contain errors, you must notify the author, as soon as possible, of the modifications and rectifications of your personal data that occur through the Contact service ( ). Likewise, you can update your personal data through your private area if you are registered with a username and password.

Likewise, by clicking on the I accept (or equivalent) button incorporated in the aforementioned forms, you declare that the information and data that you have provided in them are accurate, truthful and up-to-date.

3.4. Exercise of your rights

You can exercise the following rights:

  1. Right of access to your personal data to know which ones are being processed and the processing operations carried out with them.
  2. Right to rectification of any inaccurate personal data.
  3. Right to delete your personal data, when possible.
  4. Right to request the limitation of processing of your personal data when the accuracy, legality or necessity of processing the data is doubtful, in which case, we may keep the data for the exercise or defense of claims.
  5. Right to oppose the processing of your personal data, when the legal basis that enables us to process it is legitimate interest or the fulfillment of a mission of public interest. The Joint Controllers will stop processing your data unless they have an overriding legitimate interest or for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims.
  6. Right to portability of your data, when the legal basis that enables us to process it is the existence of a contractual relationship or your consent.
  7. Right to revoke the consent granted to the person in charge.

You can exercise your rights at any time and for free in the following ways:

  • Sending a message through the Contact service ( ) indicating the right you wish to exercise and your identification data.
  • Directing a written request to the postal address of the author’s registered office that appears in the legal notice ( ), indicating the right you wish to exercise and your identification data.
  1. If applicable, from your private area, by accessing the unsubscribe section, you can unsubscribe from all previously accepted commercial communication shipments.

On the other hand, we inform you that you have the right to file a claim with the Data Protection Officer through the Contact service ( ) if you consider that there has been an infringement of data protection legislation regarding the processing of your personal data or before the Spanish Agency for Data Protection ( ).

3.5. Detailed information by service of the treatments carried out

3.5.1. User register
  • Description: By registering as a user on the website or application, you will be part of a group whose main advantages (with their associated treatments) are:
    • Possibility of commenting on news.
    • Participation in contests and exclusive offers.
    • Direct access to information on the most outstanding news by receiving a newsletter sent by email, as well as news associated with events of special informative relevance.
    • Obtaining discounts.
    • Others.
  • Legal basis: Management of the contractual relationship, management of the registration as a user that you have requested.
  • Recipients: Your personal data will not be transferred to any third party, except when you make use of functions that, by their nature, imply a publication of your data (for example, publications in forums or comments in the news) or expressly provided in the legal bases of the contests in which you participate.
  • International transfers: International transfers of your personal data may be made to service providers of the person in charge. These providers may be located in states outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). When it has not been declared that they have a level of protection equivalent to the European one, the person in charge will require the recipient the corresponding adequate data protection guarantees, such as the signing of standard contractual clauses or adherence to codes of conduct or other frameworks recognized by the European Union (EU).
  • Conservation period: During the contractual relationship.
3.5.2. Subscriptions
  • Description: By subscribing to a paid service, your data will be processed to manage access and enjoyment of the contracted content, including:
    • Access to exclusive informative and journalistic content.
    • Reception of informative and journalistic bulletins.
    • Participation in contests and exclusive offers for paying subscribers.
    • Obtaining exclusive discounts for paying subscribers.
    • Access to technological services.
    • Other
  • Legal basis: Management of the contractual relationship, management of the collection of the service that you have requested.
  • Recipients: Your personal data will not be transferred to third parties, except to payment service management companies, payment gateways and banking entities for the collection of contracted services.
  • International transfers: International transfers of your personal data may be made to service providers of the person in charge. These providers may be located in states outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). When it has not been declared that they have a level of protection equivalent to the European one, the person in charge will require the recipient the corresponding adequate data protection guarantees, such as the signing of standard contractual clauses or adherence to codes of conduct or other frameworks recognized by the European Union (EU).
  • Conservation period: During the contractual relationship.
3.5.3. Profiling and commercial communications
  • Description: Depending on your preferences regarding commercial communications, you may receive the following communications:
    • Commercial information, either generic or according to your preferences and/or sociodemographic profile, about products, services, promotions, surveys or events, belonging to the author, related to the business sector, the media and other related sectors.
    • Commercial information, either generic or according to your preferences and/or sociodemographic profile, about products, services, promotions, surveys or events of third parties belonging to various sectors of activity.
    • These communications will be sent by any means of contact provided, including by electronic means and especially by email. When sent by email, the tool used to do so will include links and tiny, transparent images that will be associated with your email address. In this way, when one of these images is downloaded or the links contained in the email are accessed, we will be able to know for statistical purposes if you have opened it or if you have accessed any of the links it contains and improve our subsequent shipments. You can prevent these uses by configuring your manager or email system to prevent the automated download of images, as well as not accessing the links included in the emails you receive.
  • Legal basis: These communications will be based on:
    • Your consent, given by checking the corresponding boxes that appear in the forms of the website and the application. This consent will be revocable at any time.
    • The legitimate interest of the author to send you his own commercial information, based on the existence of a prior contractual relationship as a client or user of the author’s services. In these cases, you will have the right to oppose said legitimate interest at any time.
  • Recipients: Your personal data will not be transferred to third parties.
  • International transfers: International transfers of your personal data may be made to service providers of the person in charge. These providers may be located in states outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). When it has not been declared that they have a level of protection equivalent to the European one, the person in charge will require the recipient the corresponding adequate data protection guarantees, such as the signing of standard contractual clauses or adherence to codes of conduct or other frameworks recognized by the European Union (EU).
  • Conservation period: Indefinite, until you revoke the consent given (if applicable) or exercise your rights to oppose and/or delete personal data.
3.5.4. Profiling by geolocation
  • Description: If you are a user of the website or application and you authorize the use of geolocation, the information that will be collected will be related to your geographical location during use or execution in the background. This information will be associated with a unique code that will be assigned to your device. This code, along with information about your geolocation, will be used for the purpose of analysis and profiling derived from your geographic locations. With this, the author will be able to get to know you better, infer your preferences and thus offer you commercial information that may be of interest to you. This commercial information may be offered to you through advertisements on the website and the application, notifications or, if you have authorized it, through commercial information through email. Profiling will in no case have legal or similar effects.
  • Legal basis: Consent: By marking the geolocation options that appear when accessing the website or application for the first time, you authorize the author to use the geolocation service as indicated in the previous point. We inform you that at any time you can close the website and the application to avoid being geolocated at a specific time. Likewise, you can modify the geolocation permissions through the configuration of the operating system of your device.
  • Recipients: Your personal data will not be transferred to third parties.
  • International transfers: International transfers of your personal data may be made to service providers of the person in charge. These providers may be located in states outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). When it has not been declared that they have a level of protection equivalent to the European one, the person in charge will require the recipient the corresponding adequate data protection guarantees, such as the signing of standard contractual clauses or adherence to codes of conduct or other frameworks recognized by the European Union (EU).
  • Conservation period: Indefinitely in time as long as you do not revoke your consent or request the deletion of your data.
3.5.5. Events
  • Description: If you register or participate in events organized by the author, your identification and contact information will be processed to manage your registration and participation in them, as well as to control access to the event.

  • Legal basis: Consent expressed at the time you register for the event or promotion of the author.

  • Recipients: Where appropriate, your identification and contact data will be transferred to those entities that appear indicated in the corresponding data collection form, in general for the purpose of managing control and access to the event or promotion . In the case of online events with access control through third-party platforms, it will be necessary for your data to be communicated to the management companies of said platforms.

  • International transfers: International transfers of your personal data may be made to service providers of the person in charge. These providers may be located in states outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). When it has not been declared that they have a level of protection equivalent to the European one, the person in charge will require the recipient the corresponding adequate data protection guarantees, such as the signing of standard contractual clauses or adherence to codes of conduct or other frameworks recognized by the European Union (EU).

  • Conservation period: During the period necessary for the management of the event and your participation in it.

    3.5.6. Complaints, inquiries and requests for information
  • Description: As a user you have the right to make claims, as well as to make inquiries or contact to request information. In this case, your identification and contact data will be processed to attend to your claim, query or request.

  • Legal basis: Consent given when sending your claim, query or request.

  • Recipients: Your personal data will not be transferred to any third party, unless it is essential to be able to adequately attend to your claim, query or request.

  • International transfers: International transfers of your personal data may be made to service providers of the person in charge. These providers may be located in states outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). When it has not been declared that they have a level of protection equivalent to the European one, the person in charge will require the recipient the corresponding adequate data protection guarantees, such as the signing of standard contractual clauses or adherence to codes of conduct or other frameworks recognized by the European Union (EU).

  • Conservation period: During the period necessary to resolve your claim, query or request.

3.5.7. Publication of journalistic information
  • Description: The news, information and content published on the website and/or the application may include personal data of newsworthy subjects because they are people of public relevance, people with public notoriety or, circumstantially, for starring or participating in events of public interest. Mainly, the personal data published will be identifying data, such as name, surname, images and/or audio. However, depending on the type of news, and in order to inform public opinion of relevant aspects of it, it may be pertinent to reveal other types of data, including especially sensitive information where appropriate. This information comes from the exercise of the journalistic activity of the author and/or collaborating entities.
  • Legal basis: Fulfillment of a mission of public interest, essential for the exercise of the constitutional right to freely communicate and receive truthful information.
  • Recipients: The data published will be addressed to all users of the website and/or application.
  • International transfers: Being data published on the internet, they can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
  • Conservation period: The data will be processed indefinitely over time.

3.6. Security

The author has implemented and maintains the security levels required by the GDPR to protect your personal data against accidental loss and unauthorized access, treatment or disclosure, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed. However, the transmission of information over the Internet is not completely secure. For this reason, and despite the fact that the author makes its best efforts to protect your data, it cannot guarantee its security during transit to the website and/or the application. Therefore, all the information you provide will be sent at your own risk. Once your data is received, the author will use rigorous procedures and security features to prevent any unauthorized access.

3.7. Confidentiality

The personal data that we may collect through the website, the application or through the different communications that we maintain with you will be treated confidentially, committing ourselves to keep them secret in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation.

3.8. Minors

Minors under 14 years of age may not use the services available through the website and the application without the prior authorization of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be solely responsible for all acts carried out through the website and the application. by the minors in their charge, including the completion of the forms with the personal data of said minors and the marking, where appropriate, of the boxes that accompany them. In this sense, and to the extent that the author does not have the capacity to control whether or not users are minors, it is noted that it must be the parents, guardians or legal representatives who enable the necessary mechanisms to prevent minors from access the website and/or the application and/or provide personal data without their supervision, the person in charge not accepting any responsibility in this regard.

3.9. Privacy Policy Update

This privacy policy may need to be updated. Therefore, it is necessary that you review this policy periodically and, especially, if you are going to make use of any service or functionality that you have not yet used in order to be adequately informed about the type of information collected and its treatment. You can find the privacy policy at the bottom of the website and the application. However, we will notify you of any modification to this privacy policy that affects the processing of your personal data.

4. Use of cookies

The website and the application may use cookies when you browse their pages. The cookies that can be used on the website and the application are only associated with the browser of a specific computer (anonymous) or mobile phone (anonymous), and do not provide any further personal data about you. Thanks to cookies, it is possible, for example, for the website and the application to recognize your device after you have registered for the first time, without having to register each time you visit to access the areas and services reserved exclusively for you. The cookies used cannot read the files created by other providers. You have the possibility to configure your browser so that it notifies you on the screen of the reception of cookies and to prevent the installation of cookies on your device. Please consult the instructions and manuals of your browser for more information. To use the website and the application it is not necessary to allow the installation of the cookies sent, without prejudice to the fact that in this case it will be necessary for you to register each time you access a service that requires prior registration.

The cookies that are used on the pages of the website and the application may be served by the website or application itself, in which case they are served from the different servers operated by it, or from the servers of certain third parties that provide us with services and services. Cookies are served by the author. As long as you have not activated the option that prevents the installation of cookies on your storage device, you can explore your device by following the instructions and help manual of your browser or operating system to learn more about each server from which cookies are sent.

4.1. Own cookies

Name Function Values Duration

Own cookies are not currently being used.

4.2. Third party cookies

Name Third party Function Values Duration
FCNEC Google Statistics Empty Session
FCCDCF Google Advertising Hash 24 days
GoogleAdServingTest Google Advertising Empty Session
_ga Google Statistics ID 34 days
__gads Google Advertising Hash 24 days
__gpi Google Advertising Hash 24 days
__cf_bm One Signal Push notifications Hash 30 minutes